Saturday, August 6, 2011

Im pregnant why do demons attack me when i go to bed it happpens but im wide awake paralyzed?

as i start to fall asleep i feel my body tingling and my arms and legs being pulled then i fight it and start falling asleep again then this time i cant fight it i hear weird voices and noises then i just become paralyzed only can move my eyes heard of sleep patalysys ' BUT it goes further am physically attacked durng this times.. something wlll grab my leg VERY tight and lift it high up in the air, and other times it will hold both my wrists down on the bed very tight and i try to move or scream it wont help, its not my imagination, one time i started humming very loud because thats all i could do, my mom and son came in and checked to see if i was okay, and they were there i could see but i was still paralyzed and a few seconds it let go of me, i didnt tell them what happened i was afraid they think im time it happened i could barely open my mouth but when i did i started calling foor jesus and for the blood of jesus to come wash this away and i could hear myself i sounded like a demon and i struggled to get the words out they still didnt leave. why is this happpening, im pregnant and the father of the baby is hation and his family is hatian i know hatian people do voodoo but they dont know im pregnant only he does, maybe the demon tryng to steal my baby soul or be reborn in my baby? why would the demon lift my leg? even tho im paralyzed im wide awake so im not hilousinating, this is really happening, please someone help me. the voices are evil and the noises are loud and weird.. it happend when i am alone in the room ..when there are no other adults there .. my baby is 1 and she was sleeping next to me but it still happened, she never woke up through it..

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