Friday, August 5, 2011

Is america and its citizens living a lie?

Sir, you have indeed made plain and simple many salient points of why it is always dangerous to see someone telling us how patriotic they are and how many flags they are waving. Be careful, you may be about to see a slight of hand for profit. The senseless wars and endless incursions into the lives and sovereign nations of other countries is not by accident. People, real individuals are making fortunes during the execution of all these wars. YOU ARE CORRECT. However, so many Americans just want to buy a hot dog and watch the Cubs play baseball, waving a flag and feeling it is patriotic to support the war no matter where it is and no matter what it is for. To be honest with you, the last war that really demanded the attention of the people was World War II, and it was an effort by all Americans. I cannot even believe that World War I was truly necessary. Americans are not living a lie so much as they are saying implicitly, "Ignorance is bliss." The entire scam of international banking and the so-called Federal Reserve is another topic, but no one wants to listen. Can you imagine, the press even acts as if it is the end of the world and some right-wing conspiracy to demand that the Federal Reserve be audited. This is almost beyond the pale of believability to think any rational person would not want this agency audited top to bottom with the Attorney Generals staff close at hand to begin the scores of prosecutions that would take place if the fraud and scam were detected. Will it happen? Sadly, we know the answer. So you can go to a Cubs game and wave a flag, I will retire to the deep country of rural Tennessee and live out the remainder of my days in solitude knowing America has been lost but it was a noble idea.Our own lifestyle of constant entertainment and game playing, much like Rome, has been our defeat. We have rotted out from within! Happy 4th of July.

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