Friday, August 12, 2011

What is the cheapest energy source today?

I was under the impression that Nuclear power was the cheapest, but I get a wide range of numbers with each website I look up, especially if they are specifically trying to push a certain energy source. How does nuclear compare to solar thermal?

For the sake of originality, is this an original idea for a story?

Good story except the ending should have ended more dramatically or with a twist. How about near the end something to do with her discovering her dad or something including her father. Other then that it seems pretty good

Does this make sense?

I want to keep a distance from he who believes that patriotism is equal to strong anti-Iraq sentiment.

What would u think if a guy acts like this to you?Honest answers pleaseeee:)?

I think he might like you... but I am wondering what was on the blog. If he said "You could trick youself by thinking that it's me confessing my feelings to you via the world wide web" maybe there was something on there to hint to you that he liked you? Not sure. Hang out with him and see! Also him asking who you went to a club with, sounds like he might've been jealous.

What weight do you have to be to get your period?

I was asking my mum when I was going to get my period, but she said you have to be a certain weight but we dont know the weight. I want to know when I will get mine, I know I'm only 11, but I've been getting discharge for three years, I'm 30A, I have lots of pubic hair, BO, spots, wide hips and I'm five foot, I don't know how much I weigh though (mum doesnt approve of scales)

Whats worse for your body? ecstasy or bars?

So me and my friend were talking and jus want to kno what does more damage to ur brain and body...ecstasy or xanax/ bars

How do I stretch new riding boots?

I just bought a pair of Saxon Equileather Boots in size 10, extra wide calf. I went to the nearest Dover Saddlery store about 30mins away and tried on a 10 regular, and the employee said that an extra wide calf should fit me just fine with a comfortable amount of room for jodphurs and breeches underneath the boot....anyways to the main subject of i put the boots on with my Ariat boot socks and what do i discover...the zipper goes up like 65% of my calf and WON'T BUDGE...i'm tallking a jet airplane could not pull up the zipper. Extra wide is the biggest calf made in any type of riding boot Ariat, Dublin, TuffRider, Cadence (discluding custom made boots) do i scretch the leather where it goes around my calf completely? the boots fit fine in the foot,'s just at that one spot on my calves that the zipper won't go over. i most likely will start showing in september, and i really don't want to have to get paddock boots because i'm not a fan of them, and when i purchase half chaps for them, i'll just have the same problem all over again because my calves are huge from being in marching band, and im also a somewhat plus sized rider. i don't want to purchase custom boots because i'm on a tight budget and they're like $800.

Ecstasy dissolved into alcohol?

My friend told me he crushed an ecstasy tab and dissolved it in vodka then drank the mixture. He said he felt the effects of both substances. I don't really believe him. So.... If i were to dissolve ecstasy into alcohol, would I get both the effects? What would it be like? I'm not doing it just tryna bust a friend.

A bump on the left side of my neck?

I have a weird bump on the left side of my neck. its right under my jaw... on my neck... a inch and a half from my ear. The size is about from the tip of my index finger to the middle crease in my index finger. u cant see it... but if u feel that part of my neck its OBVIOUS that there is a wide bump... and it doesn't hurt. i don't even notice it unless i touch that part of my neck.

Is spanking your kids?

LOL. I suspected you were a troll all along but my suspicions were confirmed after I read the last sentence.

Why can't I make a move on girls?

Just think of it this way at least you are different to all the other boys and most girls like boys that have not been with a lot of other girls :)

Who will the Cougar women of Britain be supporting in the big tennis match today?

I'm quite partial to a bit of Novak Djokovic but as to Murray and the Spanish stallion... it's a no brainer.

Which is worse, someone that is drunk on alcohol or drunk on patriotism, religion and fear?

To quote comedic actor W.C. Fields at a party of aristrocrats in Jolly Old England when a rather snooty woman accosted him to say, "Sir, you are drunk" to which he replied, "Madam, you are ugly...and I'll be sober in the morning." Seems to apply to the right-wingers, doesn't They wrap themselves in their phony "flag" and fake "patriotism" (ad campaign funded by the big oil and corporations with which they collude on a regular basis) in order to trick the populace into voting against their own interests. I'd say they are far more dangerous for this nation in the long run than a tippler who will be sober the next day.

Feature Wall in my bedroom, HELP!!! :)?

I think that purple will be fine because your room is small so it helps to make your room bigger but use light purple color. And in other side if you think choosing next color than choose yellow color cause it helps to make your room more bright and too room will look bigger and clean.

If i do leg excersices will my ... ?

if i do alot of squats, running, lunges, glutes &mat pilates 3 times a day for about an hour or 2 , will my thighs get bigger/wider fast ? what about my hips & buttocks ? how long will it take to see results ?

English help? please?

Help does not mean doing your assignment for you. Help means checking your assignment for accuracy after you have completed it.

As a show of patriotism, why should the top 1% of Wealthiest Americans not bear a Tax hike?

While the Rep/Con Party seeks to take 'their America' back(wards), their vehement unwillingness to end the Bush Era Tax Cuts for the wealthiest Americans is a bit hypocritical at best.

How can I help a teen who's becoming obsessed with weed?

I had a boyfriend who i had been 5 years with and he actually did all that your boyfriend is doing, i wish you could help him but he sounds like he does not care about what you have to say about. He knows how long you too have been together and he still does not try to al least slow down. I know he told you i will smoke once or twice a week but he might just be doing it behind you back, he has bad influences. Someone who loves you will do everything for you, he might love you but if he did love you as much as you love him, because that is love you are a very caring person, he would slow it down to were he does not need it anymore, for you. I know it sounds very sad but maybe you should leave him as much as you love him because you have to also love yourself before anyone else. You need to stay away also that he sees you are not joking around he probably thinks you are not serious, and that you love him so much that you won't leave him. I know how this goes i went throught this it hurts so much believe me but i'm much better now before i would cry all the time i did all that i could. unfortunately you can't change someone you have ot change yourself first before anyone. But you should not change you seem so caring. I hope this helps you.

Angles of a parabolic mirror?

i am trying to build a 2m wide parabolic mirror. i need some formula for working out the focal point. if you could also explain how to use the formula that would be great ans save me a lot of Research

I don't know what to do about this girl i am like in like in love with?

Me and her are good friends and I have had a crush on her forever but the only problem is that she is like crazy into drugs, marijuana, ecstasy, oxycoden, and like random pills. Im clean cut, i don't drink or anything but I don't know what to do, like whenever she does something like that it hurts and i don't know what to do. Were freshman in high school btw

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is it dangerous to take 'triple c' the day after taking one blue lady ecstasy?

I took one blue lady last night around 10:50 and I was wondering if it would be dangerous to take 8 triple c pills? ya I know I'm ****** up..don't wanna hear it, just answer plzz.

Fursona help? need a name? cute animal name?

Put all of them names in a hat and pick one at random, christ you have more than enough names there, why would you want more?

If you smoke, drink, and do ecstasy can you have a miscarriage ?

me and my boyfriend had unprotected sex two weeks ago and he came and now im worried that im pregnant so i was wondering if doing those drugs will make me miscarry. im only 15 and cant get pregnant.. please no negative comments i ALREADY know that its wrong im against it but don't have a choice.

Im pregnant why do demons attack me when i go to bed it happpens but im wide awake paralyzed?

as i start to fall asleep i feel my body tingling and my arms and legs being pulled then i fight it and start falling asleep again then this time i cant fight it i hear weird voices and noises then i just become paralyzed only can move my eyes heard of sleep patalysys ' BUT it goes further am physically attacked durng this times.. something wlll grab my leg VERY tight and lift it high up in the air, and other times it will hold both my wrists down on the bed very tight and i try to move or scream it wont help, its not my imagination, one time i started humming very loud because thats all i could do, my mom and son came in and checked to see if i was okay, and they were there i could see but i was still paralyzed and a few seconds it let go of me, i didnt tell them what happened i was afraid they think im time it happened i could barely open my mouth but when i did i started calling foor jesus and for the blood of jesus to come wash this away and i could hear myself i sounded like a demon and i struggled to get the words out they still didnt leave. why is this happpening, im pregnant and the father of the baby is hation and his family is hatian i know hatian people do voodoo but they dont know im pregnant only he does, maybe the demon tryng to steal my baby soul or be reborn in my baby? why would the demon lift my leg? even tho im paralyzed im wide awake so im not hilousinating, this is really happening, please someone help me. the voices are evil and the noises are loud and weird.. it happend when i am alone in the room ..when there are no other adults there .. my baby is 1 and she was sleeping next to me but it still happened, she never woke up through it..

I'm just plain curious.What do u think?Honest opinions pleaseee:)?

he definitely likes you! but i guess is gathering the nerves to say it out loud. Why don't u help him a little if you like him as well like show him that you like him as well. talk to him often and smile when he looks at you! :)

How do you cope with an Ecstasy come down?

I was ******* stupid and took E and now the come down is kicking me in the ***. Problem was i took my first pill the night of the 21st at 11pm, then another at 3, then another at 4. Ivee been awake since the morning of the 21st and i have a pounding headache and im really red and hot. wtf do i do? Any advice?


I was in my daughters bedroom and in her sweater pocket I found a bag of pills I don't know what kinda of pills they are: there round brown pills with a E on them and under the E it has 415 its not ecstasy its a prescription I think?

Where should I spend my 21st birthday? (Las Vegas, New Orleans or Miami)?

Okay, just to give you a little more detail. I will be turning 21 in May of 2012. Im an African American female student at Penn State and my friends (about 4-8 other females) and I like a wide range of music. House, Hip Hop, Rock and John Mayer-y type of music suits us (As far as clubs go). We are mostly on a tight budget (Luckily our hotel is paid for) So I'm looking for a place that offers a variety of things to do at affordable prices and also is pretty easy to get around (i.e. Public Trans or Most things in walkable or taxi-able distance) I don't drink but my friends do, So affordable drinks would be great also :) Thank you!!

Im doing ecstasy soon and i dont know what to expect...?

what happened your first time? i cant wait im doing it next week will i be able to drive? how long is it?how strong is it?

Could marijuana make me feel bad in the morning like this?

Well i've been pretty much smoking marijuana for a year but i started to more recently. I'm pretty much always high now. I was using mdma and thizz for a long period of time and i'd take pills two days in a row too. Well now every morning i wake up and i feel like bad. I always feel like i have a slight headache and i feel negative and my body just hurts. Could this be from ecstasy use or could it be from the constant weed? Or what?

Why do liberals have an unhealthy obsession of "uniting the human race" at the expense of American patriotism?

I assume you are talking about Soros also know as spooky dude. Yes, it is a pipe dream. You can never force everyone to think the same whether to make them a muslim or progressive. Alot of Americans just want to be Americans. I never asked to become like Europe, or like the world (have nothing against them). But looking at what is going on over there I do not want to be like them.

Do you think 'christian' Conservatives consider the wealthy to be 'God-Like'?

According to Christian conservatives, the Donal Trumps of this world will inherit the earth. LOL Heaven has a gate keeper and he only admits those who have earned their million dollars (regardless of how they do it) during their lifetime. Al Capone will be waiting in heaven and Mother Teresa will be sent to hell.

I took about 60 ecstasy pills in three months will i ever feel normal and be able to have fun again?

And, of course, the previous answer is irresponsible. First, Ecstasy is an illegal drug. That means it wasn't made in a quality controlled laboratory. What you have been taking COULD have included any sort of contaminants, and you would have no way of knowing what you've been taking. These contaminants COULD cause you permanent, irreversible damage. All you can do for now is to NEVER, and I mean, NEVER take any more illegal drugs, then wait and see what happens. You MIGHT get lucky and recover. But there are no guarantees. It all depends on what those strange pills you've been taking have been laced with.

Supplying class A Drugs (cocaine, ecstasy and LSD) - life/unlimited fine?

please tell me my friend arested by police on steert and they found hem drug dealer he have small amount only �600 drug with hem and please tell me how long he get and it he is first crime and some one make him fool

If you took one ecstasy pill how long would it take to get out of your system?

i took one esctasy pill and i never take it my body is not used to it. so im wondering how long it would take to get out of your system even if you don take it that often?

Too much description, or does it set the scene?

It's great!It really makes you feel like you're there!Some parts could maybe be shortened, but overall it looks really good!:)

Ecstasy + Alcohol = ?

Okay, so I'm still trying to finish this book I decided to write. I need to know what will happen if my character takes 'E' and drinks alcohol Would it cause her to not remember some of the things she did after she took 'E'? How should she feel during the "crash"? Or should I choose another drug for her to use? Thank You :)

What condom is both really thin and ribbed for male pleasure that you can get at any drugstrore?

I hear the Trojan Ecstasy is good, but is it thin? i cant feel anything with regular thickness condoms

Did politicals invent the word (patriotism) to bewitch us and make us fuel to their wealths?

Patriotism was invented by the ruling class to 1) play people off against each other so that they don't unite against them and 2) get people to fight and die in wars that are only about profits. It's just the same thing with religion, though.

Should you go to the hospital if you think you may have a hangover from Ecstacy?

it seems my daughter was slipped Ecstasy in her ginger ale and she is suffering with the hangover symptoms, Extremely dizzy, cloudy head, eyes hurt, head hurts. This happened last night. She has been drinking water and ate a banana and some food. I am wondering if she should go to the hospital for medical treatment. She has never taken any drugs before so she nor I know how to deal with this. It has been about 22 hours since it happened. I just don't know how long it stays in your system

I have to speak on topic "universal brotherhood is more valuable than patriotism. How to start this debate?

I have to speak on a topic "universal brotherhood is more important than patriotism". It is a debate topic. My question is "how to start a debate"?

Do you think that people are joining the military as a result of patriotism or lack of jobs?

I think that it's a bit of both. We have individuals who are patriotic and believe in this country and we have individuals who just need a job. The military has many benefits, including a salary and the acquisition of skills. At the same time, the unemployment rate of veterans is much higher than that of non veterans because of their state of mind after a deployment and what they have gone through during that deployment.

If a guy wants to take an ecstasy with me in the woods, is he planning on raping me?

The thing is, he only wanted to do it if the other friend was there. He's my ex, but he's recently only a slight bit straight, so were friends. He knows I still like him. I invited him to do this with me during school. He joked, "aww no buttfuck?!" when I said I couldn't do it. I need some non-hater advice please.

Hair extensions, help?

Today I bought a pack of black hair extensions from Sally Beauty Supply. They are 8'' inches long and a few feet wide (intended for cutting into separate pieces) but i compared them to my actual hair and they are the same size? At the store inside of the pack they looked a lot longer but I was wrong. Is there any way I can make them longer using the rest of the hair or do I have to buy a longer pack? Thank you for your time.

Should I call the police?

this is so funny, highlight of me day, if this is true, you cant call the police because shes not doing anything illegal, but change rooms, simple as that

Why do infantry get the lowest paid but the highest risks?dont you think its injust?

Infantry are en$laved,they get the lowest paid but the highest risks,this is very inju$t and $atanic.....capitalism is false system,and through history it has never been fair to fight for people,we weren't made to fight for people,this instinct is holy and should not be devoted for $atan......Allah pays best and fairest,I think the world is changing,everyone is waking up in the middle east and revoluting against the witches politicals who decieve people by a rubbish like(patriotism,nationalism,etc) while infact we r creatures in the first place and the borders r fake,i think its time too for the u.s troops in iraq to rebel and convert to jihadis especial if they couldnt go back home in the end of this year,they already fed up being en$laved by the fat capitalist politicals who sent them there for oil,as a creatures we should employ our fight instinct for God not to the witches,is it fair that u die for the wealth of others?no! seems that Allah tricked capitalism and oil was a good bait! when u fight for money u dont like to die but when u fight $$$atan u wish to die because your goal is heaven not $! so it seems that realy it is Allah who designed the rules and emotions toward death and money to harmonize with his policy! plus the geological rules where he put oil as bait!..and the fact that when u fight for money all u get is the risks but your leaders are safe at home and luxurious!.....therefore Allah hates the jacka$$es who get killed for $$$atan and he puts them in hell cos they $old their $oul to $atan by money instead of selling it to Allah by heaven..mankind should not kill kill for material goals like animals do....surah 17:64.....and surah 61:10 to 13.......and surah 86:15 to 17 in these quranic versions u will see the policy of Allah I told about and how tricky he is against $atanists plus how evil is sensetive and very collapsible in surah 17:81........what more? cru$ade is fake because in christianity fighting for God is taboo so cru$ade is a fight to $erve $atan......and its very injust that infantries get the lowest paid but the highest risks!!...nothing is right in capitalism,Allah pays best and fairest,only a cur$ed jacka$$ will fight for $atan I think...evil is realy sensetive and collapsible as Allah said in surah 17:81!!!!.....everything going on is exactly as the policy in quran.

Why don't i have drug flashbacks?

i dont do drugs anymore but i have done acid like 100 times, shrooms 6 or 7 time, ecstasy maybe 20 times but i have never had a flashback

What are my chances of getting pregnant?

I'm 16 years old and my boyfriend is 17. Sometime in the near future we are planning on having sex. We are both virgins and both nervous. I have been on birth control pills for 5 months, taking them daily. We are also going to use a condom (trojan ecstasy) and he is going to pull out EVERY TIME. What are my chances honestly?

How long does ecstasy take to kick in?

I took one pill 50 minutes ago and haven't felt anything so far? Is it bunk or do I need to just be patient?

What penalties can I expect from possession of ecstasy and marijuana? (first time offender)?

I was at OCMD for senior week, sure enough the first day i was there i was arrested. Me and some kids were smoking a blunt out behind my house and the cops ran in and busted us, i was taken in and handcuffed for smoking the blunt but had nothing on me. Later while i was in jail i found on my charges were possession of marijuana and MDMA which were in my bag inside the house. The cops never read me any rights, and there were 17 kids in the house at the time (only 3 were arrested) can i do anything here? and if not what can i expect to be facing? there was 1 pill and 4 grams of high grade weed.

Having watched how John Cena has really not proved himself as champ?

i really respect john. he doesnt turn down a match. And he has always been loyal to us and his fans. try giving him a chance.

I need help with drug abuse!!?

I'm a 14 yr old girl and already have done cocaine, PCP, meth, marijuana, oxycotin, and ecstasy. I do them all frequently, and I think I'm addicted. I really need help.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

R the u.s troops in iraq en$laved?y there is no certain date to send them back home?y lying to them everytime?

There is never a certain date for any war and if you volunteered to be a soldier, airmen, seamen, or marine then you knew of the possibilities that could have occured during your time of service to your country. iN the end it doesnt matter what a religious book says about the matter. A war is a war and in every holy book wars occur for various reasonings: possession of land, issues between the holy and unholy, possession of wealth, etc. are they all just because theyre in a book of religious devoution when people still died for a crusade that had nothing to do with them?

How do I make my breasts bigger? ?

well since you're only 14 your breast will keep growing till you're 18 or 19 and usually if yuo gain 10 pounds you will go up a cup size, if youre skinny the you can afford to gain 10 puonds ang guys doint like skinny girls trust me they like thicker bodies trust me im 21 and a size 5 and guys love my body=)

Hi every body . could you please tell me what are the jobs fo a oerson hold MSc in managenent consulting ?

I mean where can they work ? Is this master program kind of wider than Master of Finance ? is it possible to work in Banks _Financial companies_ ACCOUNTING FIRMS - PUBLIC services .?

Tell me what u think of this poem?

this is a good poem.this is a feelingful and soulful poem.i like it very much.thanks for this beautiful poem.

Does a 1994 Isuzu Rodeo have a Plastic or Metal Radiator?


Im i more of a virgo rising or libra rising?

Find out your rising sign on here if you don't know a href="" rel="nofollow" go to "free birth chart"

Does ecstasy ruin regular sex?

Never managed to have sex when rolling... I find it hard enough to get it up tbh but when you are on e, touch feels incredible so I can imagine it would feel amazing if he did have sex but I'm sure that if he loves you then he'll find it just as enjoyable.

Need help with my writing.....?

So the mother has the kid? Or the large black man? And when the baby came out , they heard no screaming but the baby was alive? Also, Why didnt they give the baby to the mother? , Very good story but Explain a bit.

Why did this British guy make fun of me?

I see your question has gained anti-British comments, which is unfortunate. I hope this person doesn't stain your view of all us British. Ignore his anti-American ignorance, anti-(Country) for whatever reason they feel suitable can be found in all countries. I for one, embrace my American counterparts from across the pond with open arms, but judge the person for the person, not an entire nation by the select few.

What is the point of blind patriotism? Why even risk your life for it?

The purpose is to have an ignorant proletariat that will always support the government and will always fight for the government.

I seriously need to sleep?

I really think talking over your worries with someone you trust would help, read a boring book or a comforting tv show, take a hot bath, drink hot milk and get yourself in the mood to sleep two hours before you go to bed. Don't try to think about sleeping just let yourself drift, I've found counting actually keeps me more awake so try to just imagine something soothing like rocking gently on a boat in the middle of the sea. Do not sleep during the day and don't have too much sugary food or anything with caffeine. Good luck!

What was the motive for invading iraq? religion or patriotism? or whatever works for each soldier?

Because in chrisrianity fighting for God is taboo it says you should turn your other cheek to your enemy,or infact its just a capitalist cru$ade for oil and patriotism is just a magic that the ruling party invented it to make us fuel to their wealth? is it a good enough reason to spend all of this time in iraq just because im a patriot?!! how did saddams weak army threat america?where patriotim is involved in going overseas to fight a stonage army?..and do you think the churches that preached cru$ade got paid by hellyburnton/haliburton?

If I take one or two ecstasy pills tonight, will I be able to be clean by friday?

That gives me ONE full day and night to clean my system. If i drink tons of water, green tea, take antioxidants. I even have these acai berry cleanse pills that rid of tons of toxic waste from your body. I might just even take ONE pill rather than two. I'm just wondering if you think I will be in the clear if I do this. And also , if I pee in a cup right before i take the drug and store it some place cool and sterile until the drug test do you think I'll be safe? Is it ok to store urine for a day?

Ive brought a certain drug?

i have purchased "bliss bombs" i did as what they were and they said its for party's it has the same effect as Ecstasy but i was just wondering what it actually does ?

Where would I find a proposed dinner/guest speaker, etc. plan?

I,ve been assigned to conduct a dinner, guest speaker, gift ($50.00), cake, for about 40 people. Theme "Patriotism"........for two up-coming holidays. Help!!!!!

Does patriotism matter anymore?

Obama would beg to differ, but real Americans, like our citizens, are true patriots. Those people on the airplane on the 9/11 attack crashed into the ground and sacrificed their own lives to save the President and the White House. People risk their lives daily in the Middle East. Our Navy Seals (apologies to them if I spell incorrectly) killed Usama bin Laden the dastardly rat, and Americans did not pass up the opportunity to celebrate the victory. I'd say most people are patriots and would do anything for our country, even if they are just normal people. Everyone else who thinks otherwise should have no right to live here.

How much of a chance is there of me getting pregnant!?

I don't use birth control. We have sex 15 and under and he buys the best condoms [ecstasy and magnum] and like I'm not sure, but should I stop? And we been having sex like once or twice a month for 3 months now...

How to legally park In a cul de sac?

We live in a cul de sac and their is a lot of questions about how to park. We live in a town home (all homes are connected together) no lawn separating the homes. We have a 1 car wide drive way that fits 2 cars. If their are 2 cars in the drive way how should a 3rd person park? Just park directly behind the other 2 with the body of the car slightly out in the cul de sac? We live in Virginia beach, VA (hompton roads). If that makes any dicerence. There is almost no curb to park parallel to because all the houses are conected. We had a friend parked behind us and a neighbor hit his car while he was parked. They blame him partially for being "illegally parked" is he actually illegally parked. They could have gone directly back had plenty of room to turn and leave the cul de sac. Almost everyone in the cul de sac parks like we do.

Is it normal to masturbate to myself?

Is it normal to look at myself in the mirror while I finger myself? I like to make sexy faces with my legs spread wide open. It feels good and turns me on. I even suck on my own boobs....slap my a*s*s and bend over and stuff. I get really hot and have multiple orgasms. Is this weird??

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Defference betwen patriotism andextreme nationolism?

Patriotism is mourning for all the lives lost on 9/11. Extreme nationalism is hating and passive-aggressively insulting all Muslims you see.

Who else agrees WWE has recycled old Characters from the attitude era?

WOW man your list of comparison of wrestlers is great I never thought of them like that,Well now that i agree with your question I think there trying to create new versions of the previous Superstars What I can think of Is Mason Ryan maybe as Batista?

Why do i keep having such mucked up dreams?

It sounds like you are just stressed out. Seeing death in a dream does not mean you will die. In fact, some people think it represents change and renewal. Also, if you are watching a lot of gory movies and playing violent video games this can have an impact on your dreams. There is nothing wrong with a good scary movie once in a while, just make sure you balance it out with some positive images! Whatever you do, don't worry about it. Everyone has weird dreams sometimes and usually they mean nothing! Best of luck!

Are magnum ecstasy condoms smaller than regular magnums?

I was in my friend's room and I saw that he had a magnum ecstasy condom sitting out on his dresser. Are these smaller than the normal trojan magnums, I figure they must be if he has them, not that I've ever seen his stuff but I'm just assuming. Could I fit into one of these if my penis were say 5 inches, and 4.7 or so around?

Is there such a thing as too much patriotism?

The only time there is too much patriotism is when they say, "My country, right or wrong". As for their opinion, everyone has one of those. It s neither good nor bad. To me, the height of impertinence is to fly or carry another country's flag in protest. In countries that do allow that, the individuals involved, have the right to leave. So, it makes no sense to for a person to be that impolite and impolitic as to flaunt another country's flag.

How do I turn in my sisters boyfriend for selling drugs in my home?

I just found out my sisters boyfriend is a drug dealer. He has moved into my house and I don't know what to do. The only things I have to go on are my friends telling me via telephone that he is selling drugs, ecstasy to be exact. Is there a way to go to the police with this?

Are Ecstasy pills made in the U.K or abroad?

Ecstasy / MDMA is great so I was wondering were are they made? Do they come from abroad or do we have people in the U.K dedicating there time to making Ravers happy?

Swelling after the dentist?

I had a filling a few months ago, and it came out, the dentist just re-filled it for me 4 days ago. My jaws swollen and I can't open my mouth very wide without it hurting. It was on my wisdom tooth, it was a very deep filling. Any ideas on how to get it to go down?

If people followed all the laws,commands,rules, and such from the Gospel aka Jesus ministry?

How many people would be going to war in the first place? Bible says don't kill,murder, it says love your enemies does it not. SO what is with the patriotism? God says himself preach the Good news. Tells us we will be persecuted for it. The 12 apostles died for it. So again? How does the US fighting anyone put us in his favor. We protect Israel? If you are a spirit filled CHRistian!!!!!!!!!!! you are Israel you are a Jew you are a child of GOD.

Is there anywhere I can buy a scorpion watch, (not the scorpion brand) that I don't have to order from china?

I am looking for a watch that has a scorpion on the face or wristband, wide leather wristband, with snaps, that I dont have to order from a company in china. Every single one I have found come directly from china and I have to wait 2-3 weeks for delivery. Does anyone know of any companies or stores here in the U.S. that I can order or buy from, please help!

I want to know how I can tell if my friend is taking ecstasy.?

He has been acting really weird and leaving home early. Also he has been really tired and loud and touching everything. He has been telling our friends and I that he loves us. The next day, he doesn't remember anything that happens, and he has been sick with runny noses and he has been extremley hot, and when he is asked if he is taking drugs he acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. He claims that he is sick. Please help I want to help him before something bad happens.

WHat does it mean if your temples are tender or sore?

I was recently in a fist fight and took a hit to the head, gave me a black left eye and a very sore spot on my right side close to my temple. I was noticing when i opened my jaw wide that it hurts and was wondering if this is something i should be concerned about? Thanks

Are the u.s troops in iraq en$laved by haliburton?

Its our resident pretend to be a Muslim troll question posted by "mohammad" aka "AaaaaKAaak" aka "spirit flesh" and guess what its reported for being a rant.

He tells mutual friends I am picking on him for things he's not doing?

He's going to his mother telling her I am doing things I'm not doing, such as keeping him from going places he hasn't even discussed going to with me. Ie: The coast with his family and a trip to a nephew's wedding down south...never even asked me, yet tells them I stopped him from going. I learned this from another family member, while they were chewing me out for suppoedly doing these things. He puts me down all the time. He makes comments about my weight. Says I'm dumb. Says I didn't just say something I just said and picks on me for everything from the time I wake up til I go to bed. I get in the car yesterday to a mutual friend, and she drops him off and then chews me out for accusing him of doing things he's not even doing. (She was his friend over 10 years before meeting me) and I explained, he is being rude to me, or I would not ask him to treat me better. I do try not to talk to him in public, but instead to ask him to please curb his "joking" at my expense (ie: she can't tell a joke. Her butt's still jiggling. She's a wide load, etc.) and I ask him sometimes in front of people when he does it because later he will say he never did it. What would you do?

How do i make my room " hipster " ?

My room is relatively big. Peach colored walls i can paint on but cannot change completley. I have a twin bed. A narrow tall cream dresser. A long/wide , short dresser. A full body mirror (cream frame). A small bedside dresser cream. A pink fuzzy lounge chair. A dark Tall jewlry stand thing.... Any arrangement or additions i can make for my room to look hipster wud b awesum. Uhh its sooo mainstream. Please help any info is appreciated xoxox

Why do people seem to forget their brains when they get in their car/truck?

Oh my gosh I feel your pain. These same idiots reply when I told them to their face: "Don't be in such a hurry. Enjoy the view." I was like....really? Enjoy the stop light when I could turn right on red? No thanks. I would rather get to where I am going so I can contribute to society rather than piss people off.

Best condom for male pleasure?

Try either Crown Skinless Skin Condoms or Durex Extra Sensitive Condoms. Good Luck, have fun and be safe! :)

What are the chances of using ecstasy once cause any birth defects with my baby?

i took 3 pills when i was 12 weeks i drank a bunch of water almost so much that it flushed everything out and i didn't even feel the pills. (now 14 weeks) i didn't know i was pregnant due to an irregular period and i probably have had like 1-2 beers i had quit smoking (6 cigs a day) about what was week 5 because i had started feeling nauseous now i know its due to the pregnancy. im nervous it could have effected my baby what are the chances of that??? im healthy no medical problems ever and im 19 almost 20.

Should I take ecstasy ?

I have a rare heart condition & a pacemaker but I'm going on a weekend full of raves and afterpartys, should I take E?

How can i help this comedown?

There's really not much you can do other than drink a lot of water and put some food in your tummy... Other than that, I always say the amazing nights are worth the crappy days that come after them. Good luck..

Is it moral to ask patriotism and love of country only from the poor?

Are you part of the Military Industrial Complex which benefits only from keeping us in perpetual war? Why should I go to war to defend your assets? No one defends mine.

Why do liberals hate war?

if this question is serious, and you aren't a troll, i will say this: not only is it just liberals who hate war, but millions of people especially those who die in the cause of it, and innocent bystanders.....also its costly and a waste of time war is only necessary when our country is seriously threatened

If John Edwards were a Republican, would he be running for President right now?

And would he attribute his "passion" for his country & "patriotism" to his infidelity?

Non painful lump on my stomach?

To start at the beginning last year around this time I was taken off of neproxin because it tore the lining of my stomach and ever since then I've had bad stomach problems. I was put on omeprazole to help with it but it didn't always work and a couple weeks ago my doctor sent me to a GI specialist who switched me to another medicine and diagnosed me with IBS however when I asked about this small lump on my stomach that's shaped like an oval and about two fingers long/wide, she didn't say anything. It doesn't hurt but it moves from side to side and it's not hard. Doe's anyone know what it might be?

Will spiders climb into my bedroom?

Spiders might crawl in, so might cockroaches and burglars. If you have a fly or security screen up i wouldn't worry but i would leave any window open at night from fear of robbery, not spiders

My chances of the Naval Academy?

You would be better served to discuss this with your BGO (Blue and Gold Officer). Contact the Candidate Guidance Office and find out who that is and ask them directly as they may also know of the other candidates in your area that your are competing against.

Help! does this go into any of these categories?

You are going to have to give some background, what is “pursuit life”? What is the significance of the flowers and vegetables?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Whats a Condom? Im not sure?

idk but my boyfriend keeps asking if i want to use a condom. idk what it is, is it some kind of drug because my mom doesnt like ecstasy?!

Why is Canada not viewed like Mexico in the US (in terms of drug trafficking)?

Canadians are mostly White aren't they? Not the so called *boogeyman* "Mexican". That's most likely it.

Why do most people think war is bad for the world?

Consider this, PEOPLE DIE!. U.S is in war with Afghanastan and look at all the innocent children and persons that have died their. In every war innocent people die. Bombing, Nuclear,Missles, Bullets they kill people. Also consider all the destruction and pollution war does to our home, planet Earth. World Peace won't do anything good. Till Illuminati is still in the world forget about world peace. In the future we are going to be one nation. All of us cause of illuminati. :D

Is there anyway you can reduce the chances of having a bad reaction to MDMA/Ecstasy?

Really? Maybe by not taking it? Way to go, ace. You are well on your way to a career as a drughead loser who hangs around dumpsters and tries to hang with the younger crowd when you are 40.

Is this a real ecstasy pill?

I came across a rare pill and was told it was ecstasy. Ive done my fare share of raving and never seen nothing like this.. The pill was round dark purple and had glitter or was sparkly. It had a big number 3 on one side and the numbers 2068(i think) and a sore mark with a cursive v.. it reminded me of a pill from a pharmacy.. Anyone out there know or ever heard of this???

Do i honestly need a sponge filter?

everyone keeps saying i need one( patricularly one... yeah you! your always griping and groaning about it) but do i really need one? first off, i have this one plastic thing on the filter and the openings on it are about a centimeter wide and none of my fish are going to get caught into that. why would i need a sponge filter then? should i just keep the 3 bucks in my pocket?

How do I treat an absess until I can get the vet to come out?

Soak animalintex or human wound dressing (lint) in warm saline solution and bandage on - the hot poultice helps draw the infection out. If you don't have the lint, use a bag of warm bran or oats. You can fold the poultice material in any clean material - a new j-cloth or clean dish towel. Test the temp of the poultice - if you find it so warm so will your horse.

Does this girl still like me? Should I even be worried if she doesn't?

aww well the fact that she sent you a text asking you to the dance meant she was still interested in you. she probably didnt answer your text because she wasnt going and didnt know what to say since things got pretty awkward between you too. plus, maybe she was thrown off that you're a jock. and your last paragraph says it all. all right; im not completely impartial. I'm kind of a preppy jock myself but seriously do you want to go out with someone who does hardcore drugs? you sound really funny based on your question-you're down to earth and have a good personality. plus again the fact that she asked you about the dance meant that you must be physically attractive & cute so don't worry. do you. if you really like her then go for it but don't doubt yourself. it doesnt sound like you guys have great chemistry for a relationship anyway. you want someone you can have good conversation with. stay confident & do what feels right. I'm sure you could get tons of girls; youre probably not being foward enough. good luck (:

Science or American, faith or patriotism?

Hello my friend. I don't believe in god. When I was a young teenager, I started to wonder about the universe after looking up at the stars. After much thought, I decided that life is more valuable when it is descended from the stars and has evolved as opposed to being 'created' by some god.

Why is it ok for white people to act ghetto but not ok for asian to act ghetto?

For example, me & my brutha Ecstasy are true gangstas at heart. Yet us asians are always made fun of for "acting" ghetto. Where all dat respect at for us colored sisters & brothers, yo. We azns be true to da game.

Why cant the humane society just give me my dogs back?

Well, sometimes they need proof. Do you have the paperwork for them? In some counties all over the US they require the papers to reclaim animals. It happened to me when my dog jumped into a neighbors open Corvette. My dog just wanted to go for a ride, no matter the cost!

Has anybody ever been in their mid 20s and very depressed with no support? Please help...?

Hey, I know how you feel. I've been very depressed before and have gone thru periods where I have no friends in my life also. I'm 24 and just recently reconnected with some people I knew in high school, but I find it so hard to keep up with people and events. I also rarely have money and seems like the people I do meet always want to go shopping, dinner, or movies for fun when all I might be able to do is go to a park or get a dvd from the library. If you want to talk my yahoo messenger is cynthiarod561. Please don't hurt yourself thou because there's good things to come one day in your life even thou you can't see it now.

How do i make my hair grow LONGER?

let it grow 4 a while coz hair that short grows really quickly - my friend got her hair cut longer and the longer it is the slower it grows but it grew back to her normal length in a couple of months. thats about it but when it get longer (just past shoulder length maybe) get a really short trim coz it'll grow back faster. not a big trim, just a lil 1

What is the answer to America's problems; "Patriotism or Globalism"?

Well that's a bit of a paradox as they are using Patriotism to achieve Globalism, as they are using the American forces for regime change through out the Arab countries to achieve their One World Order. with the added 'Eugenics' which they want 80% of the world population dead.

Why does the reasonable (& logical) aspect of atheism discourage patriotism? Is this inherent proof?

Why does the reasonable (& logical) aspect of atheism discourage patriotism? Is this inherent proof that atheism is communist?

Simple question. Do you think NBC purposely edited the Pledge of Allegiance? Story inside->?

yes they did it on purpose because of the separation of church and state thing - our government trying to eliminate religion from our country - it is a sad way of life these days - the anit-religious people trying to take over, trying to make a unified religion - one that has nothing to do with God. Get used to it people - this is the way our country is going. God will be a forgotten character and the next generation of kids won't even know who he is.

Does anyone really think that Obama does not Love America?

I hear this quite a bit from the right and am amazed that they say it but it would be quite sad if it was really what they believed. George W Bush may have not been popular with the Left but I know of no one who thinks he did not Love this country. Do you think that if this is truly how the Right feels that they have more than just a problem getting elected but a problem in their overall philosophy? Will Republicans re-think their strategy of disparaging the President's love of America and in effect cheer leading their party into hatred and fear of the President? Can the Republicans constructively oppose him without maligning his Patriotism. As I see it if they do not they will end up on the losing side of most issues and at the polls.

No one is helping me (anxiety/depression)?

I am very sorry to hear your story. If your mom refuses to help you child protective services can be called, that is if you want out of the situation. I am shooked your school has not called her demading your return to school. The school too can file a report on your mother. You need to demand help, if your mother wont help you call a social worker. You need to be back on your klonopin i know from experience that stuff helps. You need to find a doctoe that will help you and if aware that you are a recovering drug user. There are places that will help you, and they might make you sign a contract saying you only get pills from one pharmacy and they will probably count your pills at every visit but they will help you. Sounds like you also need some talk theraphy. Insist on seeing a therapist, and if your mom refuses like i said call child protective services, she is not doing her job as a mother by keeping you from going to school and having a functional life. Good luck and email me if you need any hot line numbers or anything.

My teacher found me purging (I'm bulimic) oh god help please!?

See this as an opportunity to get some help. You can't keep doing what you're doing, it will kill you.

I want to start playing soccer and I was wondering if I should run on the treadmill?

Well my brother plays soccer and he says if you're gonna be playing soccer outside you should run outside instead of running on a treadmill because it is different, and you're gonna have to condition a lot since soccer involves a lot of running.

My Jaw keeps poping every time i open it, There is no Pain & it wont open wide at all! do i have TMJ?

It Comes And Goes But, i Am Only 14 & its been going on since january what is going on it only comes about once a month& last for a day or two?

I'm 14 years old, 5'4, and 104 pounds? But my face if fat?

As you can see, I'm a very skinny weight. But my face, although it doesn't have a wide frame, is really round! I feel so bad about it because when I see my pictures it's always my face, not my body. So what can I do about this? And why is my face fat? I can't go on a diet... because then I will look anorexic. And I already eat healthily and normally and exercise a lot (swimming 7 times a week?) Soo... how can I fix this?

The Sun and your father?

Sun in 5th square Neptune. Sun trine midheaven and trine ascendant. and have no emotions left when it comes to my dad. But I see his ****** slanted eyes and and his stupid prominent bone structure with his dimples and his Mexican looking ****** up lips every time I look in the mirror and I want to throw up. He is evil. This face is evil.

How to fall asleep after a long nap?

I came home from work today and was exhausted after working in the heat. It was hot out all day, and it's so hot in my house so I decided to take a nap, I fell asleep for 4-5 hours and now I'm wide awake. It's 10:30 here and I need to go to bed, but I'm not tired at all?

When someone loses a large amount of weight would they look unrecognizable?

It would only be noticeable around the cheeks and chin.. the size of your eyes, nose and mouth don't change no matter how many pounds you lose.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

I don't remember falling asleep, but I don't remember waking up?

If you did get abducted, you should have some sort of incision or burn mark that you do not even know about.

MDMA(Ecstasy) anxiety?

You should start feeling better in about a week. 2 weeks max. I had a similar exp. Friends told me for years how awesome the drug was. I was depressed for a week after taking it. I HATED it. As far as taking something for it... go natural. get some Valerian root and/or some saint Johns Wort. Also start taking a multivitamin and drink a lot of Orange Juice and water. Just take on a really healthy diet the next few days and try to get out and exercise a bit. All these things will help balance out the chemicals in your brain that you just threw out of whack. Hope this helps.

If Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism, what is crying and lying about the President called?

Its not dissent. Dissent is rational. This complaining is shrill and annoying. Can you point to on instance where Bush criticism was not dissent. I think you can't.

Who's fault do you think it is that my best friend is dead?

Sorry mate, but this was his own fault. His friends could have called for help, but people with drug problems tend to take heaps, and then sleep it off all the time, they couldn't know that this time it was going to kill him.

Why r my hips and butt kinda big?

i am 13 yrs old and 100 lbs and i was wondering why my hips r kinda wide...if i lose weight then will my hips be back to normal?

Why do American Christians show a blind ultra patriotism for America ?

They think our country does no wrong and is the greatest thing in the world. I love my country but the ultra patriotism arrogance shoved in the faces of other races and beliefs is truly annoying

Getting sick after taking ecstasy?!?

I went to a three day rave and took a considerable amount of ecstasy each night. I probably slept a total of 8 hours over the last 3 nights. Also, I haven't really been eating all that much, however I have been drinking water when I was rolling. I didn't go to sleep last night, but in the morning I started getting a scratchy throat and a runny nose. As the day has progressed, I've been sneezing, coughing, I have a headache, and have a runny/stuff nose; my head feels really full and I feel like I'm in a cloud. I have the chills as well. Am I getting sick or is my lack of sleep making me feel this way?

Why do conservatives think fascism and communism are the same thing?

Most don't. A couple out of millions might. Then if you really want misinformed people, go to mental institutions and hospitals for the retarded where almost everyone that is allowed to vote is a Democrat.

Is cru$ade a christian concept or a capitalist concept?..isn't fighting for God taboo in chri$tianity?

Wow, for someone who likes quoting surahs I would think you would be more familiar with Islamic history. Calling the concept of holy war a Christian or capitalist concept, is ignoring Mohammed's violent wars to spread the word of Allah. But I guess that whole invasion of Mecca and destroying the temple that was at the Rock doesn't count. Or the violent expansion throughout the Arabian peninsula, or Inda, or Africa. Just good fun, right?

Over the course of history, which is the world's most destructive religion?

Christianity has the highest death toll, in the BILLIONS. Muslims will have to try for centuries to even come close.

Canadians, what do you think about insecurity in the country?

NO. we love america. only a small vocal minority dont like america. the silent majority have no issues with america. u come and buy our medicine. buy our groceries etc - which iis good bizness for us. its just that the big biznesses in america is also controlling our lives / economy. that leaves a sour taste as we have to cope with high prices, monopolistic tendencies etc. the media hype is terrible. WELOVEYOUAMERICA

R&S: Isn't war a good thing? Shouldn't we have more wars around the world?

War is not an innate part of human nature. Aggression and egoism are. But altruism and empathy are also part of human nature. It's up to us what prevails. Patriotism is irrelevant. Higher technology can also be developed without war in mind. There are better solutions to overpopulation than killing people like birth control. So no, war is not a good thing.

How to help a teen who's becoming addicted to weed?

Well if a guy chooses a blunt over you then just kick his *** to the curb if you don't want to do that then just tell him that this bothers you and you really want him to stop. just let him know your worried

My lips feel irritated/burning? Could it be from eating with dirty hands?

Did you eat a mango recently? I did once, got a horrible rash on my mouth. I looked it up and apparently mango allergies are quite common.

I need help from a former wide out in football?

Best advice I can give you is to practice running perfect routes. Also, obviously, do everything you can to improve your speed. If you can run tight routes, and are fast, you'll be a star. Getting good hands just takes a lot of practice, and familiarity with your QB.

Is it possible to have a boat to sit on top of your car if it width is wider than the car?

im planning on buying a tinnie which is 1.41 metres wide. the with of the standard roof racks is only 1.15. is it possible to sit the boat on top of the car. or will i need customized roof racks to sit the boat on the roof of the car.

When and why did "Selfishness" become "Patriotism"?

I really don't know what you are asking. However, I would like to tell you about a book I read in college. It was The Virtue of Selfishness" by Ayn Rand. It opened my eyes to a concept that I didn't quite realize before I read it. Basically, it states that selfishness is a very powerful human emotion, far more powerful than altruism. While most religions paint selfishness as an evil, the truth is that selfishness can indeed be a virtue, if properly channeled into constructive pursuits. This explains why the most prosperous societies on Earth are Capitalistic, while Socialistic/Communistic societies always fail by being drowned in poverty. "The people pretend to work and the government pretends to pay us" is the wisdom of the Socialistic system. So I guess it is true that if you believe in your country and want it to be rich, powerful, and prosperous, then you want it to be Capitalistic, or "Selfish" if you want to label it that. The Korean peninsula is the best example of this, where the young boys of the socialistic north are a full 6 inches shorter in height than the boys of the south, despite the fact that they have the same identical gene pool; Where people of the north have to catch robins and sparrows in order to get some protein in their diet, because they have already eaten all of the rats and mice. Which Korea would you like to live under? The "selfish" south or the one with the world's greatest golfer, Mr. Kim Jong Il?

What song is this? please help me!?

It's in the movie I am You, Or In her skin. In the last scene, before it cuts to credits, it goes something like 'her/your/my eyes are wide open but she/you/I cannot see' or whatever (epic fail xD!) Has any one seen this movie? I can't find this song, it sounded pretty..

HELP can't take the cat to the vet unless I know for sure he needs to go.?

He is a neutered male about 8 or 9 years old in perfect health, had a physical about two months ago and is fine, no health conditions, no medications. Just now I discovered a patch on the inside of his foreleg that is completely hairless, about an inch and a half long and about three quarters of an inch wide. The skin looks normal, pink and healthy, just no hair at all. I touched and pressed it and it doesn't give him any pain, he doesn't react at all and he's acting normally. No zits on the patch of skin, no scars, no anything. What could it be? He doesn't scratch, has no fleas, is an indoor cat only, doesn't wear a flea collar, anything. Does anybody know what this could be?

Trojan Ecstasy condom question.?

Is it bad to use these condoms because they do not have the reservoir tips? I have tried to pinch the top but it ends up going back to normal (no tip) due to being pushed up during sex. Will they break easily when ejaculating because of this? Please help I am worried. I have heard mixed results.

Why do so many women make false rape accusations? Should there be a moratorium on all rape prosecutions?

until the justice system can find a way to address this wide-spread abuse and exploitation of the system?

How should I get my dad to give me a buzz cut?

ok im a 16 year old guy and i have longer hair combed forward. Its a pain in the @ss having long hair so i want to buzz it all off. but i look terrible with a buzz because i have a huge forehead, wide hairline, chubby face. but i dont really care about that though. But he wont give me one for that reason and even if someone else did it i would get in trouble. So what should i do?

Why is patriotism always ostentatious?

It is not always ostentatious. There are quarter of a million patriots in uniform serving quietly every day, it is the jingoists who shout loudly. The quiet patriotism passes unnoticed.

Do conservatives promote pseudo-patriotism that is actually just masking corporate interests?

well...I suppose it's better than the ones who live under the delusion that giving money to a government bureaucracy actually counts as "helping people"...

When will this fuzzy feeling go away?

So it's vacation time and I'm staying at my friend's house. Basically, I've been high/drunk every day since I've been here. Day one I get drunk and then smoke week in the morning and then get a hang over at night. Day two, at night I try ecstasy and then smoke. Day three, I wake up with the after high and then smoke weed during the afternoon. Day four, I smoke at night and this morning I have this fuzzy headed feeling. I can type perfectly- I'm typing this entire question via my phone- and don't find things always funny. Is this just the aftermath of all my drug use?

Korean students at Junior and high school think that Japan is the biggest menace to Korea?

Junior and High school students guy. You have to realize a couple things here. Firstly most Koreans aren't all that concerned about the North. The Japanese "menace" they perceive is really more of a cultural and economic one, though I admit its silly and frustrating in the same way I get frustrated with UK citizens saying America is taking over their culture (stupid. British people have to want to assimilate to it, we can't force them nor do we want to, most of us are still fascinated by their own culture.) also understand Korean youth are inheriting their distaste of Japan from grandparents who lived under occupation. The second poll is kind of funny. a lot of them wouldn't have a choice what they do sense they have to fulfill required military service.

So Then Does the Tea Party Not mind Tax Dollars Being spent to Bail out Billionaire's and Corporations?

Racist TeaBags want somebody else in the White House mostly - I don't bet they think about much else except feeding their Billionaire... got to keep the Billionaires happy.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

I did cocaine every week for 6 months and ecstasy every weekend and popped 10 to 15 at a time some nights.?

Will I ever fully recover and feel normal. I know it was stupid and I was psycho to do that much ecstasy but I did. I'm on seroquel and prozac btw. Please intelligent answers, if you haven't been through this or you're not someone that actually knows then don't bother with it.

Are Your Cats Old Enough To Learn About Jesus?

God has way to communicate with every living thing...And every living thing will know tht Jesus is Lord

Does drugs like Ecstasy have any bad side effect or if it effects growth of the penis?

I was wondering about this before I get involved in this kind of drug please give me true information =)

Im pregnant why do demons attack me when i go to bed it happpens but im wide awake paralyzed?

as i start to fall asleep i feel my body tingling and my arms and legs being pulled then i fight it and start falling asleep again then this time i cant fight it i hear weird voices and noises then i just become paralyzed only can move my eyes heard of sleep patalysys ' BUT it goes further am physically attacked durng this times.. something wlll grab my leg VERY tight and lift it high up in the air, and other times it will hold both my wrists down on the bed very tight and i try to move or scream it wont help, its not my imagination, one time i started humming very loud because thats all i could do, my mom and son came in and checked to see if i was okay, and they were there i could see but i was still paralyzed and a few seconds it let go of me, i didnt tell them what happened i was afraid they think im time it happened i could barely open my mouth but when i did i started calling foor jesus and for the blood of jesus to come wash this away and i could hear myself i sounded like a demon and i struggled to get the words out they still didnt leave. why is this happpening, im pregnant and the father of the baby is hation and his family is hatian i know hatian people do voodoo but they dont know im pregnant only he does, maybe the demon tryng to steal my baby soul or be reborn in my baby? why would the demon lift my leg? even tho im paralyzed im wide awake so im not hilousinating, this is really happening, please someone help me. the voices are evil and the noises are loud and weird.. it happend when i am alone in the room ..when there are no other adults there .. my baby is 1 and she was sleeping next to me but it still happened, she never woke up through it..

English help? please?

Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey. If you have done the assigned reading, these should be very easy to answer. If you haven't, it would be unethical of us to reward you for not having done the required work.

How can i convince my parents into letting me go to a rave?

I know that i would live raves and as soon as i turn 18 im going to be going to them all the time so to me theres no difference if i start going rite now being 16....i love the music the dancing the light shows and all the pretty lights..i know its my place to be but they just see it as a drug scene but to me i dnt care becuz ppl there are nice and friendly even though there probably on ecstasy or something...drugs are everywhere not just at raves so i dnt see the big deal and besides i already take ecstasy (i know its bad) so wuts the difference if i take it at a rave..

Question for this attractive?

Darling, if a guy dosnt like all that then don't get with him. You are beautiful :) I stopped caring what others (and myself) look like a long time ago, maybe you should too? Don't obsess over your looks. Lifes to short. Hope this helped (even tho it was corney)

USAF and US Navy warplanes still flying Libya missions?

Politicians always disguise the truth with clever talking and double-meanibgs (see Bush's 2003 Mission Accomplished!). Personally, i feel that since we put those people in that position and supported Gadahfi that getting rid of him is the least we can do

Need help , Major themes of "the gift outright" by robert frost?

I cannot seem to find any besides self - discovery, and patriotism . Please help me, and how are themes expressed through vivid imagery ?? :(

Does my mum have bi pola and do I ?

Ok so ages ago me my mum and dad had this massive fight about her bi pola. it never got sorted out and i have no idea if she really does have bi pola or not. She over exxacerates [idk if thats how you spell it] things alot, like to the point where she is lieing. some days shes great and happy but some days she one mean mean mother F***** lol. seriously but. She likes S*** alot. she had so respect for herself. she lets people treat her like **** but other days she dosnt. she swears alot. she drinks wine very often. she smokes marijuana very often but only small amounts aka a joint in the afternoon. she has a serious issue with food and she is a clean freak.She gets stressed easily, and spends money very easily. she is bad financly she has struggled all her life. most things she says falls through and they never happen. Are these syptoms of bi pola? She has been diagnnosed with post dramatic stress order before and has tryed to kill herself before. She was hit by her father and by her X hasband [My dad]. she kept on going back to him even thoe he hit her. I have grown up very fast because she has told me things you just should tell some one at such a young age. I know everything about her. she tells me everything. I know about her financal situation her love life. litterally everything. probably things a daughter just shouldnt know about her mother. she has experiemented with cocain. she told me about it one day. she use to let me smoke marijuana with her and drink alchole with her but i am now straight thats the only reason i dont anymore not because she said your not allowed to anymore but because i chose not too. Personally i think she has failed as a mother. so has my father. Oh my i would kill ffor normal loving strict parents !! she always let me have days off at school. and as i was growing up as a child you ask alot of questions as thats how you learn but she never answered my questions she just blew them off all the time . thats one of the reason why i think i was dumb and struggles in school. i probably need more and snwers to other things then just Does my mum have bi pola and do i ? but anyway. As for me i am afraid that i might have bi pola if she does or what every it is that she might have i am afraid its carried on to me. i never want to end up like my mother. she is not a good role model. I am a compulsive lier . i do lie alot. i dont know why and i dont meant it. I have backstabbed all of my friends and lost them all. I dont know why i did it. i cry about it all the time. It was like i got a hit out of a having a fight with some one. but later regreted and i soon relised the consequences. I do have a problem with saving money. And i have suffered with depression and a social disorder for a very long time. I did experiement with drugs for about 4 years maybe a little bit more idk. I was very into Weed, Ecstasy, Ice-gas-meth, lsd and alchole. I did go to a mental ward in the hospital and was diagnosed with Depression, eating disorder and social disorder. i was put on an anti depressant, I never asked about bi pola and i never asked m councilers about it or tell them any of them stuff i have told you randoms about my mother. she told me not to. I wonder is this all really normal as what she makes it out to be. is she a normal mother. am i a bad daughter. is she the reason im mentally how i became so many questions needed! to many answers needed! idk what to even ask anymore. I am confused and overwhelemed some one please help me.

What are the risks of trying ecstasy?

I have never done it before. I have smoked pot, done shrooms, and taken narcotics before. I'm not a frequent drug user, all though I do smoke about every weekend. So this being the first time, I'm not sure what to expect, besides the things I have heard. I only plan on taking a single tablet. I should be fine, right? What are the risks? And how should I expect to feel? This will probably just be a one time thing, like shrooms. Thanks, guys!

Shakespeare Julius Caesar question?

There has been much critical discussion about who is the real protagonist of the play. Most critics argue that Julius Caesar is the protagonist of the play, pointing out that he is the title character and the cause of all the action in the play. Even in scenes in which he is absent, he is the focus of the discussion and the reason for the revenge. After his death, his ghost roams the landscape of the play, further spurring the action. His character definitely holds the dramatic structure of the play together. Other critics argue that Caesar is a static character; undergoing no psychological change in the play; they also point out that he is murdered halfway through the drama. These critics believe that Marcus Brutus is the protagonist, claiming he is the complex character of the play whose psyche is explored in depth. They argue that his tragic flaw is very obvious; it is his immutable sense of principle and nobility. Because of his flaw, he makes many mistakes and suffers for them; as a result, he changes dramatically in the play. He first appears as Caesar's faithful friend; he then becomes a member of a conspiracy; he next serves as the misguided leader of a not-so-civil war; and finally he is seen as a man who has lost everything he once held dear, including his principles. In this analysis, Julius Caesar will be viewed as the protagonist of the main plot, and Marcus Brutus will be considered as the protagonist of the very important subplot

Why does my system do the opposite?

If I take energy pills, vitamins, sex enhancer meds.....I get extremely sleepy. BUT, if I take a PM med or something that is supposed to make me drowsy, instead...I'm wide awake!! What causes such a reverse reaction this way? Thanks!!

My ribs do this weird clicky thing?

When I sit or lie a certain way - usually on my side, one of my bottom ribs on the right hand side - a piece about an inch wide clicks in and out - it's really weird. Does anyone have this problem, or am I a medical freak? - What is it?!

What is the difference between nationalism and patriotism?

Nat. is believing in the goals of the ruling government. Pat. is fighting for another cause in spite of the ruling government and what they stand for.

Is it normal to masturbate to myself?

Is it normal to look at myself in the mirror while I finger myself? I like to make sexy faces with my legs spread wide open. It feels good and turns me on. I even suck on my own boobs....slap my a*s*s and bend over and stuff. I get really hot and have multiple orgasms. Is this weird??

Would you watch a movie about this?

I am just curious if you would be interest in watching a movie about this. The movie would be about boy soldiers in the first world war. It would follow a group of friends aged 13-15 at the outbreak of WW1. The feel a sense of patriotism to their country and sign up to fight. The movie follows the boys from when the join up to fight in war and when they are on the battlefield. The movie shows the boys training to be soldiers and the hell they face while fighting. They see fellow soldiers die and being wounded. They have to deal with killing fellow men and trench warfare. What do you think of this being a movie?

Am I fat for a 13 year old Girl?

Hi everyone! My name is Ena and I'm wondering if I'm a little too fat for my age and height. When you're a teenager, there is a lot of pressure about weight and stuff and I'm just worried if I'm a little chubby ^_^ So my height is 5'3 or 5'4 and I weight 112.4. In the morning I am around 111.2 but later in the day I gain weight. I used to be 122 pounds but I lost a lot during the summer because I ate less cause I REALLY got concerned over my weight. My parents tell me I'm VERY skinny but my friends say I'm in the middle (Not fat but not skinny) I also have really wide hips and my waist is a little thin but not too much. Please be honest! thanks! :)

I had a wild weekend but feel guilty about having a good time?

It's because you have been taking drugs. Especially ecstasy. Your serotonin levels plummet again once it wears off so you end up feeling bad about yourself and have what is known in Glasgow anyway as "a suicide Tuesday" as that is when the comedown effects of a sat and sun partying are usually felt. I would try and calm it down a bit as it will end up having a detrimental effect on your mental health.

Is GENUINE patriotism compatible with a successful career in politics?

Of course - unless you believe that all patriots must hate government. Because successful politicians actually believe in government and want to see it work, not get elected to insure it's failure as many on the far right advocate.

What image of myself can I believe?

I'm in panic mode because I'm meeting my boyfriend for the first time since 8th grade (I'm a sophomore) and I'm now 168 pounds. Overweight. I've been trying to picture how I would look to him just so I'm prepared. But every mirror, camera and what not that I look at is different! The vertical mirror makes me look thin, the square mirror makes me look big. The camera makes me wider. What image is realistic? My friend who is honest told me I'm not fat but chubby and it's only mild. What's the best most realistic way to see myself?

Why do people say that other people are in the illumanati because the put there hand in a triangular gesture.?

I recently saw that people were saying lebron james is in the illumanati because he put his hand in a triangle gesture. But every day wide recievers put there hands in a triangular gesture so I guess every wide reciever is in th illumanati because they put there hands in a triangular gesture. Why are people so ignorant and think that every person that has money is in the illumanati. First lebron james had talent when he was a little kid so unless he sold his soul when he was 12 i dont see that.

Tagging nicknames!! good ones for graffiti!?

okay so me and my friends chill and cause trouble tag and free run but im the only girl and i want a nick name. i came up with a few but idk think of some fer me!! "tara" "haze" "shadow" "trance" "torn" "rave" "Apoca" "miki" "Ecstasy " "Opium" stuff l;ike that? idk my friend has -reno keno tori- then -reeper twitch taz ghost- so that stuff.

What are the chances of dying from taking ecstasy?

Im 12 and ive been offered ecstasy many times and im considering doing it, what are the chances of dying if i do, do it?

Is it true that 95% of ravers take ecstasy ?

I mean most the ravers I met don't do ecstasy and makes me furious when people say " ALL RAVERS DO ILLEGAL DRUGS"

Why do they prescribe ADHD kids amphetamines?

I mean, it doesn't really make sense. Active ingredient in those pills is MDMA, same thing goes for ecstasy, cocaine, and molly.

Do you think American patriotism is strongly attached to religion?

I know it's good to be proud of your country but it gets to the point here in America when it comes off as arrogant. Like with all this " god bless America" garbage. I bet in the middle east they say "Allah bless Iraq" religion and patriotism mixed also lead to things like wwII.

What body shape would i be?

my measurements are 32in bust-25in waist -35/35.5in hips. im 5'7 121 lbs and 14yrs old. it seams like a pear shape but my shoulders are as wide as my hips. oh and btw im an a cup... can anyone help? THANKS!!:)

When will my period come!?

So I'm 12 years old. I've been told that no one wants their period but I'm sick of having to wait. People say that you're supposed to start going through puberty a year or so before menstruation. But the thing is, I am in 7th grade. I started to grow breast buds in 4th grade. They are however, extremely small breasts. Hardly even noticeable. I don't know if thats a contributing factor, but I've been waiting for ages it seems. I also began growing pubic hair in 4th grade. It is very very thick now and it has been for about a year. I get pimples all the time, since 4th grade, once again. The odd thing is, I don't get cramps but I do get nausea. I get nausea and headaches quite a bit. I don't know if I have discharge as I've never checked. I am moody a lot. I get gas cramps quite commonly. I am about 88 pounds and I am 5' 2". I am no longer simply a stick, but I've actually grown a figure. My hips are wider and they curve in at the waist. When do you think my first period will occur, also considering the fact that my mother had hers when she was 13 and my sister had hers when she was 11. Please help! Think it through and don't jump to conclusions unless you know what you're talking about. Please! Thank you!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Will the nose right work for an nose like this? please help :( pics?

I think you are very pretty, nose included. Short of plastic surgery I don't know how much you can do to change your face. I would think you'd run the risk of making your nose look worse if you don't know what you're doing when you manipulate the cartilage. You can get a nose job for about $6,000. Considering it will last you a lifetime it works out to pennies a day over the long haul and most places will offer financing to those with good credit.

Why don't i have drug flashbacks?

i dont do drugs anymore but i have done acid like 100 times, shrooms 6 or 7 time, ecstasy maybe 20 times but i have never had a flashback

Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, Are The Weights Necessary?

My two problem areas are my waistline and thighs. I am 5 foot 3 inches and weigh 140lbs. My waistline, at the widest, measures 34 inches and each thigh (also measured at widest) is 21.5 inches. I was wondering if I would still get pretty significant results if I didn't use any weights at all. At the moment, I do her Yoga Meltdown dvd along with jogging but like with any workout, my body has adjusted and I have stopped seeing results. I am thinking of giving the 30 day shred a try but I really don't want to use weights. So are they really necessary? If it's any help, my goal is to get my waist down to 30 inches and each thigh down from 21.5 inches to 18 inches.

How much of a chance is there of me getting pregnant!? ?

I don't use birth control. We have sex 15 and under (minutes) and he buys the best condoms [ecstasy and magnum, I'm just saying] and like I'm not sure, but should I stop? And we been having sex like once or twice a month for 3 months now...How much of a chance is there of me getting pregnant!?

Im i more of a virgo rising or libra rising?

Find out your rising sign on here if you don't know a href="" rel="nofollow" go to "free birth chart"

Is this weird during intercourse? need help?

It's not normal, but it's what you like to do and everyone has things they like when it comes to sex, so I see nothing wrong with what you do.

I did cocaine for 6 months and ecstasy for three months. Will I recover?

Yes....Most people do recover but their is a slight chance that you have aids if you sold your body for cocaine money

Does my friend sound like she has a problem?

I used to be friends with a 20 year old girl, let's call her Mary. We still talk and are nice to each other, but I say 'used to be' as I never see her in person anymore. We used to hang out every few days, go places, and take a bunch of pictures and videos together. She never had confidence, but she told me since seeing all those pictures, she never realized how ugly she was and she's now too embarrassed to go out. Well, it's been two years and she hasn't left her house since. She's not rich, but her family is middle class and apparently they're saving money to get her a bunch of surgeries. She told me she already had a chin implant, cheek implants, bleached her hair, filled her lips, and she's currently waiting on getting her eye slanting surgery and soon after she said she'll go to China to stretch her height. Oh, she also said she's getting a voice surgery to further lower her voice because she thinks she sounds too 'girly' (her voice is actually on the lower side). She promised me she'll see me after her eye slanting procedure and that for the time being she'll wear 8inch heels hidden under wide leg pants and force herself to talk in a lower pitch. The funny thing is she's not this silly vapid girl; she actually gets straight A's in university and is planning to get a PHD in Toxicology. Anyway, when I asked her long before why she just couldn't go out while she's waiting for her surgeries, she said she has too much pride to let herself be exposed and pitied as an ugly person. She tells me she doesn't even see family members anymore and I believe it! I forgot to mention she's changing both her first and last name. Whenever someone calls her by her name, she gets mad at them and says it's disgusting. She tells me her name just brings her back to the times when she was even uglier (her words) and a loser. She's half Russian on her mother's side and half Italian from her father's side. She said besides changing both her names into Russian, she's never going to tell anyone she's Italian. She tells me Italians are dirty, hairy, and obnoxious. Anyway, I'm a little hurt that I'm having to wait 2.5 years to see her, but she was always a good friend to me, so I have to forgive her for some of her flaws (I mean mental flaws, because she was always great physically).

Why have we removed Religious teaching from our education, when the Founding fathers wanted otherwise?

Religion belongs in the church, not the schools. I don't agree with sanitized and politically correct education, but I don't want the government to muck it up, either.

Why are Brits so obsessed with us Americans?

Their indoctrination is in full swing. They are all liberal socialists. During this type of indoctrination there is a default personality instilled that makes the indoctrinated person hate individuality to the point of false accusations misguided hate and even violence like our liberals here in USA. Hmmm Kind of like the Salem witch hunt folks they murdered good people by accusing them of being a witch.

The Supreme Court Upheld Law that Penalizes Businesses for Hiring Workers in the Country illegally?

I think that its a joke that this went to the supreme court to being with, I mean really there was actually a debate if hiring an illegal was illegal?

Where can I find curtains that are 80 wide by 52 long?

I really need to find some curtains. But I can't find anywhere that sells the size i need? any help?

Which is the best brand of figure skates to buy?

Personally, I'm a huge fan of Gams. Jacksons and Ridells are also popular, but I really dislike Jacksons and I've never tried Ridells.

Day after using ecstasy , is this normal?

I used e for the first time last night and didn't sleep at right through to today, I've been feeling really really tired but now I'm in bed and i can;t sleep , im feeling sudden rushes of dizziness and heart palpitations. I dropped 2 pills in bits throughout the night. Is this normal , is there a problem and should I get help?

Bit fitting and mouth size?

When finding a bit for a certain horse I know it's important to consider the mouth and tongue size of the horse. Sometimes the bars are wider, some thinner, some tongues fleshier than others and you're supposed to fit the mouthpiece size accordingly. But how do I know what's a normal size tongue, mouth cavity and bar width? That way I will know what's abnormal?

Why do Americans and Canadians dislike each other?

I get joking about the other country, but why do allied nations with similar (not the same, btw) cultures act superior to eachother? I do not get this rivalry. Our governments like each other. As an American I understand patriotism, but I like Canada. What is with the hate?

Will this condom fit my penis?

Will a Trojan Ultra Ribbed Ecstasy fit a 6-7 inch long penis 5.5 inch girth 1.5-1.75 inch wide penis?

Psychology major, art minor?

Would this be a good idea? I don't have much experience with art, but i really like art, am a creative person and think its important to have a wide range of abilities. Plus, if this is something i really want to do, ill probably get it not some arts class and practice before making any final decisions, its just a thought. Also do i need a portfolio with an arts minor? If i was going to do this, what high school classes should i take to be prepared?

Why would he pack up and leave right before i was about to climax?

OK you give in and do what he wants and he leaves the home fires burning? Well the guy must have never given oral pleasure to a woman before, or he was wanting more, like for you to start saying f*** me, instead of I am cu***ing. If he would have stayed that would have came later right?

Treatment for blisters?

so the other day i was riding a scooter and my foot got burnt from the brakes. i now have a huge blister that is an inch long, half an inch wide, and a little more than a centimeter tall. i know i shouldn't pop it but there is a lot of pressure. what is the BEST treatment and how long do you think it will take to heal and totally be gone?

What political party do i belong to based on what i believe, am i a liberal democrat or Conservative republica?

You are a Palin republican (or Newt)(or Bush)(or Cheney)(Not Romney)(maybe Huckabee)(Reagan, maybe)(Trump, doesn't matter).

Sick after doing Ecstasy.. Please no haters?

ya its pretty normal. Try getting progesterone cream and eat healthy if you do eat. Drink water and get some exercise. E is amazing

What are some fashionable wide women's shoes?

So, my feet are quite broad. Pretty much every style of shoe in fashion hurts my feet. I had found various shoes that fit well but none are fashionable. How can I wear wide shoes without looking like a grandma?

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

okay, so i was outside sweeping away a sugar ant pile because they have been all over my house and my broom is always outside. so im guessing i got bit by something, i think a spider, hiding in the hole at the top where you can hang it somewhere. the bite is a small blister(just a little over a half an inch wide) and its red around the edges. please tell me what bug could have bitten me! i was bitten on my thumb 10 hours ago, now my whole arm is aching. please help): theres pain shooting up my arm!

Wrote this, any good?

Ok, i have one thing to say and thats: WHY'DJA STOP?!?!? This is ah-mazin! You are truely talented! I want to read more this very second!!! Fantastic job :D

Anyone try G6 Euphoric Drink Mix?

Im thinking about trying "G6 Euphoric Drink Mix", my friends have done it plenty of times and said it feels sort of like ecstasy but it is legal. I was wondering if its bad for you and what could happen if I take it. Thanks

Where should I spend my 21st birthday? (Las Vegas, New Orleans or Miami)?

Okay, just to give you a little more detail. I will be turning 21 in May of 2012. Im an African American female student at Penn State and my friends (about 4-8 other females) and I like a wide range of music. House, Hip Hop, Rock and John Mayer-y type of music suits us (As far as clubs go). We are mostly on a tight budget (Luckily our hotel is paid for) So I'm looking for a place that offers a variety of things to do at affordable prices and also is pretty easy to get around (i.e. Public Trans or Most things in walkable or taxi-able distance) I don't drink but my friends do, So affordable drinks would be great also :) Thank you!!

How is patriotism demonstrated amongst Australian youth?

I am looking for a list of ways that Australian youth demonstrate patriotism. I can't find many helpful articles on the internet and I am looking for more information.

We are identical twins but doesn't look the same at time.And I want to look like identical twins.?

We are identical twins but somehow we doesn't look the same at time.I look wider but she look skinnier than me.I hate it when people compare me to my twins saying that I look bit fat than her.She have long hair while I have medium cut hair.It hurts me alot thinking of what people say about me.I go for diet this few days just to make sure I look like my twin because I don't want people to tease me.Can someone help me look real identical twin when I am an identical twin.

Is the magnum ecstasy variety of condom smaller than the normal Trojan magnum?

I walked into my friend's bathroom and there was a wrapper from a Trojan Magnum Ecstasy condom sitting out on his counter. I've tried wearing a normal magnum before and it's like putting a grocery bag on my johnson, slips off immediately. Are the magnum ecstasies smaller than magnums and so my friend can fit them?

Could some liberal help me out on the question of why they think Obama is so intelligent?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Is america and its citizens living a lie?

Sir, you have indeed made plain and simple many salient points of why it is always dangerous to see someone telling us how patriotic they are and how many flags they are waving. Be careful, you may be about to see a slight of hand for profit. The senseless wars and endless incursions into the lives and sovereign nations of other countries is not by accident. People, real individuals are making fortunes during the execution of all these wars. YOU ARE CORRECT. However, so many Americans just want to buy a hot dog and watch the Cubs play baseball, waving a flag and feeling it is patriotic to support the war no matter where it is and no matter what it is for. To be honest with you, the last war that really demanded the attention of the people was World War II, and it was an effort by all Americans. I cannot even believe that World War I was truly necessary. Americans are not living a lie so much as they are saying implicitly, "Ignorance is bliss." The entire scam of international banking and the so-called Federal Reserve is another topic, but no one wants to listen. Can you imagine, the press even acts as if it is the end of the world and some right-wing conspiracy to demand that the Federal Reserve be audited. This is almost beyond the pale of believability to think any rational person would not want this agency audited top to bottom with the Attorney Generals staff close at hand to begin the scores of prosecutions that would take place if the fraud and scam were detected. Will it happen? Sadly, we know the answer. So you can go to a Cubs game and wave a flag, I will retire to the deep country of rural Tennessee and live out the remainder of my days in solitude knowing America has been lost but it was a noble idea.Our own lifestyle of constant entertainment and game playing, much like Rome, has been our defeat. We have rotted out from within! Happy 4th of July.

What are the qualities i should look for in a girl to make her my life partner?

well i am confused with wide variety of different types of girls .... need some advice from girls themselves. write whatever you think a boy should look for in you ..

Are the u.s troops in iraq en$laved?..i feel sory for them,why there is no certain date to send them back home?

I didn't have the stamina to get all the way through all that rant, but I am reasonably certain that you do not feel sorry for the troops.

How to react with hurt comments from boyfriends mother?

It's hurtful, but I don't think she's trying to be mean. She's probably too dumb to realize it. Tell her how you feel..

Thursday, August 4, 2011

15 year old taking ecstasy?

Will they have a very good chance of dying? And also what happens to you when you take it. What does it feel like, THANKS! ( not me btw )

Why are Bachmann and Romney now backpeddling?

Particularly Bachmann, saying Obama was anti-American. Now she's saying that she feels he loves the country as any American does and does not question his patriotism. Sounds like another flip-flop to me. Romney called Obama "European". Now he's saying he's just as patriotic as Republicans and loves this country. Why? Could it be they finally developed the UNIQUE thought in their brain that it might make them look bad to smear and attack our President? Or is Bachmann trying to lose the "flake" tag? Your thoughts.

How do i make it to college football?

I am a sophomore in highschool. I weigh 132 lbs and 5"4. 8 run a 40 yard dash in 5.3. Bench: 145 lbs. Squat: 195lbs. Power Clean: 135 lbs and Dead lift :245 lbs. I play wide reciever. My coaches have told me that I might not be the fastest but I good at running routes and have great hands. What I can do to play college ball? Any tips?

Is patriotism devalued when we apply it to humanity as a whole?

Conscience stirring question - patriotism is simply selfishness on the national level. We're headed towards John Lennon's one world,one culture, and universal brotherhood dream and the concept of patriotism is getting in the way.

Dr.brown wide neck nipple vs. tommie tippie sensitive tummy bottles?

Im going to breastfeed and I only plan to bottle feed when Im not around or when its dads turn and I was planning to go with tommie tippie because I thought they were the most similar thing to the nipple. BUT I just found out that dr.brown makes a wide-neck nipple that's good for breastfeeding and my stepmom who has a 1year old and SWEARS by them so I don't know which one to choose from...The dad has a son from a previous relationship, that baby had really bad stomach issues and the dad has really bad acid relfex his whole life. Im taking precautions now to prevent issues for the baby..not eating spicy foods and whatnot..But I have full intentions on using a sensitive tummy bottle.

My trucks wont fit on my long board deck?

so i built a longboard deck from scratch a couple years ago and when i drilled the holes, the stencil had two different sizes and i used the longer size. i have some indi trucks that fit my sector 9 longboard but the holes for the Independent trucks don't match up right with the deck i built. does anyone know where i can find different sized base plates so that it will fit? and the base plate doesn't need to be wider, but longer. thanks in advance for your help

Will the Air Force accept me?

I'm 22 going on 23, for the past five years i've been going down hill and haven't done much to improve my life. I've been smoking weed, a lazyass, bum, and just a plain out loser. I stopped smoking weed a week ago, and have been looking into the armed forces. I NEED discipline and order in my life. So I thought the Air Force might get me in the right path. I'm good with computers and technology in general (which is why i chose Air Force over any other armed force). Anyways last week before i quit weed i tried Ecstasy for the first and last time in Las Vegas.. and was wondering how long does weed and E last in my system? and do they drug test right away? Another note I have a GED didn't finish High School. Any tips before I go down to the recruiting offices?

Where does your patriotism come from?

I enjoy my language, my sense of humour and also the idea of fairness i feel my country has instilled in me. i feel this is where my patriotism comes from. However, i don't feel as proud to be British as I once did. Where does it come from and how do you get it back>?

My ex hangs around me a lot in class. Lately, he ignores me but glances at me in class. What does this mean?

He's recently only 1/8 straight, so we've just been friends. Were taking an ecstasy together soon... and his intentions with that r suspicious. He became distant before he asked me out, but I guess I glance at him without realizing it sometimes, because I still like him. Is glancing something that comes without thought when u like someone...or could he just be creeped out at me?

I want to know how I can tell if my friend is taking ecstasy ?

He has been acting really weird and leaving home early. Also he has been really tired and loud and touching everything. He has been telling our friends and I that he loves us. The next day, he doesn't remember anything that happens, and he has been sick with runny noses and he has been extremley hot, and when he is asked if he is taking drugs he acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. He claims that he is sick. Please help I want to help him before something bad happens.

Someone answer this question - grammar help!?

The F�te Nationale, also known as Jean-Baptiste Day, originated more than 2,000 years ago in pre-Christian Europe. It began as a pagan celebration of the summer solstice and later took on a religious undertone. Today, the holiday remains purely secular and steeped with patriotism.

Can you kill stray animals or wild animals if they are damaging your property?

I wouldn't recommend killing the cats although I believe you can. If the humane society doesn't do anything about it the next time I would recommend trapping them then halling them off to the humane society your self. Note to self.,,if you do trap them be very careful in case any of them might are very angered/scared or have wringworms, rabbies, e.t.c.

Does this sound like BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) ?

Basically, I hate the way I look. I am obsessed with my hair, I did to straighten it perfectly else I feel like the ugliest person alive! I obsessed about my eyebrows, my deodarants, whether I smell or not, my complexion! I have bad underarms as well and even though this is a small minor issue in comparison to the big wide world, it's all I think about! Even if everything in life is great and my hair isnt, I feel awful! I sometimes cry about it! I NEED to look in every reflection, to make sure every strand of hair is "right" and "in place". Even then it doesnt feel nice it feels right! I get very irritable if I feel I need to look in a mirror and I cant! I feel everyone is looking at me and judging me on my looks! My mum is constantly saying to stop looking in the mirrors, it's like taking over my life! please help me understand what this could be! :)

Why does weed have such an extreme negative effect on me?

Drugs like that affect people in different ways, but what you're describing is fairly common from what I've witnessed. Memory issues and emotional outbursts are among the top problems, but they won't just affect you while you're taking the drugs. The effects seem to be long-term from what I've seen. If they bother your senses, judgement, and the ability to lead your life normally, then I suggest you quit. I personally had to quit for much of the same. I suffer a brain disorder which severely effected how the drug worked on my body, and needless to say it was never enjoyable to me. So ask yourself, to the positive outcome you feel you get outweigh the sometimes debilitating negative reactions you have?

Is this cage too small for my rabbits?

Yes, that is far too small for a pair, and so is your larger cage. Look into an X-pen either instead-of or attached to the cage you already have. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a With a larger rabbit and a smaller one, I'd be looking for at least 12 square feet (and that would be provided they get at least 4-6 hours out of the cage daily for exercise).

Do people get an enhanced sense of touch when getting tipsy off of beer?

I noticed, especially after tonight, that whenever I get buzzed or tipsy off of beer or alcohol my sense of touch feels like its enhanced kind of like when you're on ecstasy. When I touched my arms, the part that was touched by hand would have this weird but good tingling sensation. And whenever anyone touched me it felt really good.. but not as good as when your on ecstasy. And no I did not take any other drugs and no beer was not laced. I drank beer from the can, and was holding onto it the whole entire night so it would be impossible for anyone to drop anything in it. Also I noticed that when I'm drunk or tipsy off of actual alcohol - not beer - my lips and nose get a little numb. What does this mean?

Help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

okay, so i was outside sweeping away a sugar ant pile because they have been all over my house and my broom is always outside. so im guessing i got bit by something, i think a spider, hiding in the hole at the top where you can hang it somewhere. the bite is a small blister(just a little over a half an inch wide) and its red around the edges. please tell me what bug could have bitten me! i was bitten on my thumb 10 hours ago, now my whole arm is aching. please help):

Sexism, Racism, and Patriotism: Which one is okay and why?

None of them make any sense. People should be proud of their own accomplishments - not those of other members of their race, sex, nation or any other group.

All of your mothers must die in the name of freedom?

Ok so you had a bad upbringing and had sexual feelings for your mom, do we all really need to hear about it?

What weight do you have to be to get your period?

I was asking my mum when I was going to get my period, but she said you have to be a certain weight but we dont know the weight. I want to know when I will get mine, I know I'm only 11, but I've been getting discharge for three years, I'm 30A, I have lots of pubic hair, BO, spots, wide hips and I'm five foot, I don't know how much I weigh though (mum doesnt approve of scales)

Do you think I am a bad ferret?

Ferrets are weird. Are you a ferret? How do ferrets type? I'm confused. I didn't think ferrets spoke English. Why can't I talk to ferrets then?!?!?!?

How much would it cost for a new stair carpet including fitting ?

i am moving into a new house and in was wondering how much it would cost for a new stair carpet including underlay and fitting. there is 13 steps and the stairs is about 100cm wide i would be going for the cheepest carpet and underlay so how much on average would it cost ???

Why do many Americans blindly follow patriotism?

I do not understand how so many Americans can just go around acting superior to everyone else. Yes I'm happy that we have many freedoms but it just comes off as narrow minded. Like I can't just follow what the government says. I have to think for myself. It also annoys me that religion also seems to tie into it yet they don't think about how the same thing is happening in Islamic countries. What do you think

How to clean smaller inflatable pool?

we have a smaller inflatable pool, probably 6' long by 2' wide by 2' tall. There is green (algae i guess?) on the bottom. we want to get it clean so we can use it today... is this safe or possible? When we drain it should we use bleach to clean it? Any advice would be helpful. I have not drained it yet and do have some shock... should we shock it, drain it, then re-fill it? If we shouldn't get in today after using your suggestion, when can we since our daughter has sensitive skin? Thank you!

Can Acid/LSD kill you?

Everything can kill you. Oxygen can kill you. That said, it's less harmful than homework. It's really non-toxic. It takes thousands of times the reccomended dose to kill you.

How do you show your patriotism?

I read some Americans show patriotism by doing their utmost to stamp out any hint of criticism of our country. Is it good? Do you do it?

Why cant the humane society just give me my dogs back?

Well, sometimes they need proof. Do you have the paperwork for them? In some counties all over the US they require the papers to reclaim animals. It happened to me when my dog jumped into a neighbors open Corvette. My dog just wanted to go for a ride, no matter the cost!

Took a pill and i need to know exactly what it was.?

I went to a party last night and I took a pill, it was dark dark orange with a black smiley face on it, and I don't believe it was ecstasy only because I don't have the symptoms of it, my symptoms are sore sore body blurry vision and during the time I blacked out for a total of 4 hours. And yet I get flash backs of what happened but only little at a time. And my body is still very sore head is pounding and blurry vision. Someone help me please!

Math Word Problem (Polynomials)?

A pool with length "L" and width "W" is surrounded by a sidewalk that is 4 feet wide. Express the area of the sidewalk in terms of "L" and "W".

What is Sarah Palin's bus tour all about?

While she does lie, it's to get attention. IDK enough of her psychology that she would bother as much if a lot of money wasn't involved but I've always thought she was a media wh0re and not too much into politics. It's just a convenient means to get attention.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

TRUE or FALSE? Society also attempts to transmit cultural values, such as patriotism, responsibility?

Society also attempts to transmit cultural values, such as patriotism, responsibility, and good citizenship.

When someone loses a large amount of weight would they look unrecognizable?Any stories.?

It all matters with how much lard is in your face. Some people that are overweight have really big faces. From personal knowledge I was watching T.V. with my step dad and he seen an actor that was extremely overweight in past years and he said "My god he lost weight", myself I didn't even recognize him. So in theory I believe it all depends on how well a person knows your face. And it's basically the same idea as seeing a friend from high school, who you never seen in years, when you are in your 30's.

Is this weird during intercourse? need help?

It's not normal, but it's what you like to do and everyone has things they like when it comes to sex, so I see nothing wrong with what you do.

How much is a new double wide trailer?

How much is a new double wide trailer with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms? And how much does it cost to get it set up and allthat good stuff? What would i have to do to be able to buy it if its my first home? And can you pay monthly like rent to own? I need to know please and thank you!

List of acne medications?

Well Acne at age 14 or 15 is just a normal thing. It a sad thing to admit, but it is true. I have pretty clear skin with a few occasional pimples that I use a specific spot treatment to get rid of them. Except the main base product I use is ClearStart. ClearStart is great. You are able to get the starting kit at Sephora or Ulta for a decent price, which your Mom could probably pay for it. But if you play sports I also suggest YesWipes. They get rid of the sweat after a workout and help my skin to keep it clear. You can get them at target, which sells them for a cheap price. But overall, what may work now may not work in the future. So keep your options open, but hopefully you take my advice. Enjoy!(:

What are the qualities i should look for in a girl to make her my life partner?

well i am confused with wide variety of different types of girls .... need some advice from girls themselves. write whatever you think a boy should look for in you ..

Who should we blame for this next calamity?bush or obama?

world is changing,everyone is waking up and revolting in the middle east,and the u.s troops in iraq are next,they going to rebel and convert to jihadis especial if they couldnt go back home in the end of this year,they already fed up being en$laved by the fat capitalist politicals who sent them there for oil,as creatures we should employ our fight instinct for God not for the witches who deceive us by rubbish like (patriotism,nationalism,etc) just to fill their pocket,is it fair that u die for the wealth of others?no! seems that Allah tricked capitalism and oil was a good bait! when u fight for money u dont like to die but when u fight $$$atan u wish to die because your goal is heaven not $! so it seems that realy it is Allah who designed the rules and emotions toward death and money to harmonize with his policy! plus the geological rules where he put oil as bait!..and the fact that when u fight for money all u get is the risks but your leaders are safe at home and luxurious!.....therefore Allah hates the jacka$$es who get killed for $$$atan and he puts them in hell cos they $old their $oul to $atan by money instead of selling it to Allah by heaven..mankind should not kill kill for material goals like animals do....surah 17:64.....and surah 61:10 to 13.......and surah 86:15 to 17 in these quranic versions u will see the policy of Allah I told about and how tricky he is against $atanists plus how evil is sensetive and very collapsible in surah 17:81........what more? cru$ade is fake because in christianity fighting for God is taboo so cru$ade is a fight to $erve $atan......and its very injust that infantries get the lowest paid but the highest risks!!...nothing is right in capitalism,Allah pays best and fairest,only a cur$ed jacka$$ will fight for $atan I think...evil is realy sensetive and collapsible as Allah said in surah 17:81!!!!.....everything going on is exactly as the policy in quran.

Large, red, and itchy spot on the inside of my right leg, next to my knee.?

Ok, here is what happened. About 2 weeks ago my boyfriend and I were having sex and he drug his teeth across the spot where the rash is now. A little bit later that night I noticed there was a red line, about 2 inches long by 1/2 inch wide where he bit me, I wasn't too worried about it then thinking it was just red. But now the area has grown to about 2 inches in diameter into a nice red, itchy circle. The center area has a few raised bumps that are now flaking and Very, Very itchy. Before then there was no problem with my skin in that area at all. He is my 1st and only and I am his 1st and only. Can anyone help me?

Etc Drugs Alcohol Pregnancy?

my last period ended june 1 this month and i for the past 13 days ive been drinkin and i did ecstasy condom broke and not on birthcontrol if i become pregnant do u think during that time of doin those things it will harm my child?

Do people from other countries feel the same sense of patriotism Americans do?

yes, some are very patriotic, some not so much and also people from many other countries are actually the indigenous people which is a possibly a different level(of loyalty or disgust). However, most people love where they come from, as in the area they were born and grew up.

How Do You Get Hair Like CeCe Jones in Shake It Up?

I really like curly and wavy hairstyles and I love how they do Bella Thorne's hair in "Shake It Up". I own a Revlon curling iron (but it's probably 3/4 of an inch wide) and a Remington straightening iron. I have straight brown hair and I don't have bangs like Bella. I usually part my hair on the left side, but not super far over. My hair doesn't always hold curls very well, so what can I do to hold curls and waves better? and what can I do with the very little hair styling stuff that I have? I just have your basic mousses and hairsprays.

I Just took ecstasy... i feel very strange?

my heart it racing, it's like i can feel my blood pumping through every inch of my body, I'm rolled twice before, but never to this extent. I took one tab tonight, thinking it would just give me a little energy at around 12:30, my entire body feels strange, like its pulsating or something yet I don't want to move around, every time I move I sort of feel sick. I want to make myself throw up, but I don't know if I should throw up or just ride it out? i also feel a sense of like paranoia. I'm sitting in my bedroom and every sound or light or shadow stands out to me